Saturday, June 4, 2011

Graceland 100% Whole Wheat Bread

Thank you to my dear friend Terri Sponsler for sending this recipe to me!! 
Graceland 100 percent whole wheat bread

This recipe uses 5 lb. (16 to 18 cups) flour, or 5-6 cups for the smaller recipe.
In the small bowl of your mixer or by hand in a bowl combine:
Large recipe: (6 loaves)

3 Tb pkg yeast
½ cup lukewarm water
2 tsp. honey
In a large bowl, with mixer running, or by hand:
3 eggs
1/3 cup oil
1 cup honey
2 Tb. Salt
5 cups hot tap water

Smaller recipe (2 loaves):
In small bowl:
2Tb. (pkgs) yeast
½ cup lukewarm water
2 tsp. honey
In large bowl:
1 egg
2TB oil
1/3 cup honey
2 tsp. salt
1 1/3 cups hot tap water

Add whole wheat flour, enough to make a thick batter. Beat until you have a thick gummy mass on the bottom of the beaters. Watch t while it beats; often when it is readh ty dough will climb up the beaters. Add the yeast mixture, which had been set aside in the smaller bowl, and beat in well. With spoon, add enough flour to make a dough that will knead easily. Roll out onto a board floured with whole wheat flour. Knead, adding flour slowly until the dough is smooth and elastic, about 10 to 15 minutes. Cover the dough with greased waxed paper, or a tea towel.

Allow to rise double in bulk. Knead it down thoroughly to eliminate all large bubbles. Divide the dough into 6 or 2 equal parts depending on the recipe. Shape into loaves and place in small loaf pans (7 ½ x 3 ½ in.). Grease the pans with shortening. Allow to rise double.

Bake at 400 degrees for 12 to 17 minutes until it is as brown as you like it. Reduce heat to 250 degrees and bake 30 minutes more. Remove from oven, turn out unto a wire rack to cool.

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