Sunday, June 5, 2011

Fresh Fruit Fritters

I wanted to make a quick desert that wouldn't keep me in the kitchen for hours and hours.  The kids love fritters, as does my husband, so I took a look in the fruit bowl to see what I could work with.  A fritter is simply fried dough, very much like donuts..only more tasty in my personal opinion.

I still had some mango, apples, peaches and bananas, so I peeled and cut up the fruit into small bite-size pieces and let it sit and soak in a few tablespoons of lime juice while I prepped the mixture.

One thing I have learned with baking and cooking is that everything turns out better when you sift the dry ingredients.  Flour is tricky.  My kids like to tell me that the bag of flour notes that it is pre-sifted.  It may be pre-sifted but not enough for my baked goods! I use a hand sifter and spend a few minutes sifting the dry ingredients.

The dry ingredients for fritters:
1 Cup All Purpose Flour
1/2 Cup Sugar
1 1/4 tsp Baking Powder
1/8 tsp salt

Sift, mix well and set aside.

Separate 2 eggs into two bowls.  Beat the egg whites until stiff and peaks start to form.  In the bowl with the two egg yolks add 1/2 Cup of milk and blend with mixer until well blended.

Add egg yolk & milk mixture to dry mix and mix by hand.  Fold in beaten egg whites.

Take the pieces of fruit and dip them into the batter and then drop into hot, deep-frying oil.  (For pan-frying, be sure to turn the fritter over so both sides cook and brown.) Fritters take about a minute to cook.

For no fruit fritters, simply drop the fritter batter by the tablespoon into fry-cooker.  Sprinkle fritters with confectioner's sugar.

Fritters! A fun and easy treat. :)

1 Cup All Purpose flour
1/2 Cup white sugar
1/2 Cup milk
1-2 Cups Canola Oil for deep-frying
1 1/14 tsp baking powder
1/8 tsp salt
2 eggs - separated
Bite size pieces of fresh fruit (bananas, apples, peaches)

Mix dry ingredients and set aside.  Mix egg yolks and milk and add to dry mix.  Beat egg whites until stiff and fold into mix.  Dip fruit into batter and drop into deep-fry oil for about 1 minute each piece.  Top with powdered sugar and enjoy!

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